Next-gen Wealth Management

"SQRT is a community that lets ordinary people around the world get access to sophisticated trading strategies previously available only to hedge funds and billionaires"


Making crypto investing easier, safer, and more enjoyable

While crypto offers useful new ways to invest, it is also a risky environment where many people have experienced financial losses. High net-worth individuals have access to hedge funds that possess the expertise to construct and backtest portfolios of assets that reflect a specific proposition and are carefully risk-adjusted. However, ordinary people have been deprived of that privileged access.


Be part of the movement

As we gear up for the public launch of our service, we're assembling a group of ambassadors who will have the exclusive opportunity to experience our service and spread the word. If you're interested, head over to the Ambassador section and learn more! We'll be waiting for you.


We believe in the wealth-creating power of crypto & Web3

Each of us at SQRT has been on a wildly different life journey up until now. What unites us, however, is our shared belief that something extraordinary will unfold when quant intersects with crypto and Web3 in its most imaginative form. Excited to walk this path with you and have some fun along the way!


Ready to root with us?

We've curated a selection of questions and answers that you might find useful.

Care to root?

Subscribe to stay updated on all things poppin' on our end – from newsletter and social media launches to the latest updates in our Ambassador Program. ✌️

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